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Inside Out 2 Coloring Pages (Free Printable PDF)

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Inside Out 2 coloring pages

Hello, little artists! Ready for a new color adventure? With the arrival of Inside Out 2, we dive back into Riley's colorful mind. This time, we meet exciting new characters like Anxiety, Shame, and Envy, plus our old friends Joy, Sadness, and the ever-explosive Anger. How fun would it be Coloring Pages them all! 34 Inside Out 2 Coloring Pages (Free Printable PDF), you'll be able to bring each emotion to life with your favorite colors and discover how these characters help Riley navigate the emotions of adolescence. Are you ready to get started?

The Emotions of Inside Out 2 Coloring Pages and Print PDF for free

Joy: Always positive and optimistic, Joy makes sure Riley sees the good in every situation. Maybe a bright yellow to brighten up the page!

Anxiety: Anxiety is a new character in Inside Out 2 And while it may sound a little worrying, it's also very important! How about using shades of blue to represent those moments of worry?

Bloofy: Here comes Bloofy! Coloring Bloofy can be just as fun as playing with a stuffed animal, so choose your softest, happiest colors!

Disgust: Disgust, with his signature “Ew!” expression, is still as memorable as ever. Why not give him a splash of vibrant green to show off his determined attitude?

Shame: Coloring Shame can be quite a challenge, but you're sure to find the perfect shade of red to capture that feeling!

Envy: Envy, the character who represents those feelings of wanting what others have, is an interesting color challenge. With her intriguing look, what colors would you use to show this very common feeling?

Wrath: Red, orange and yellow will be your best friends to bring this explosive emotion to life!

Pouchy: Coloring Pouchy is like adding a touch of magic to the page, so use your most creative colors!

Some more coloring pages of Inside Out 2 then!


Inside Out 2 Coloring is not only a fun activity, but also a fantastic way to explore and understand your emotions. By coloring each character, you not only have fun, but you also learn about how to handle your own feelings, just like Riley. So grab your crayons and let your creativity run wild as you dive into the emotional world of Inside Out 2! Let's color!

If you like coloring these characters, don't forget to visit our coloring section! Disney for more magical adventures! Here you will find many more characters from your favorite movies ready to fill with color.

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