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Minion Coloring Pages (Free Printable PDF)

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Hello, little artists! Ready for a coloring adventure with the adorable Minions? These yellow characters, known for their love of bananas and their funny way of talking, are a favorite of many., you can find a wide variety of pages of 55 Minion coloring pages, ready to download in PDF format for free printing. It's the perfect time to let your imagination run wild and fill these little rascals with colour!

Coloring and Printing Free PDF of Minions

Minion with Bananas: Kevin loves bananas, do you? Color Kevin while he enjoys his favorite fruit!

Minions on vacation: Bob, Kevin and Stuart are at the beach. Give them sunglasses and a nice tan!

Minion Pirate: Venture out into the high seas with this Minion dressed as a pirate. Don't forget Coloring Pages his eye patch!

Minions Cooks: It's time to cook! Color the Minions while they prepare a delicious cake.

More Coloring Pages from Minion then!

The Minions are not the only characters you can color in ColorearW.netIf you love animated pages, you can also find other coloring pages with your favorite characters from Cartoons.

Let's do it!

How incredible it is to be able to fill these with life Minions! Coloring is not only fun, but it also helps you improve your concentration and creativity. Remember, there are no rules when it comes to art: you can make your own Minions be any color you imagine. So, download your coloring pages at, grab your crayons, and enjoy the coloring adventure!

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